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Spotify Advert


In this unit, I produced and created an advert for Spotify on the TV and WEB platforms aimed at a young target audience. The tagline for this Spotify ad was “any music, anywhere” and this advert conveys that, through a youngster listening to music outside of his residence.

Before that, I also did a short marketing campaign for Spotfiy.

UNIT 65 - 3D Modelling

I was assigned by the client to design a themed USB Stick of my choice and aim the product at the fairly mainstream teenage audience (college students). During the production phase of the USB stick, I used the application 3DS Max, to make USB port and the object that would go with the stick.

Overall, I went for the punchbag design, as I was aiming at young males who have an interest in sports, fitness and boxing.

Interactive Media Design & Graphic Narrative

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